
Author- Ram Ranjeet Kumar

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Junit5 Annotations


JUnit5 annotations

  • @Test: This annotation is similar to the one in JUnit 4 and is used to mark a method as a test method.
public void testAddition() {
    // Test logic and assertions go here

  • @BeforeEach: This annotation is used to mark a method that should be executed before each test method in the class. It is typically used to set up the test environment or initialize resources.
public void setUp() {
    // Initialization logic goes here
  • @AfterEach: This annotation is used to mark a method that should be executed after each test method in the class. It is typically used to clean up resources or perform cleanup operations.
public void tearDown() {
    // Cleanup logic goes here

  • @BeforeAll: This annotation is used to mark a method that should be executed once before any test methods in the class. It is used for setup that should be performed only once.
public static void setUpClass() {
    // One-time setup logic goes here

  • @AfterAll: This annotation is used to mark a method that should be executed once after all test methods in the class have been executed. It is used for cleanup that should be performed only once.
public static void tearDownClass() {
    // One-time cleanup logic goes here

  • @RepeatedTest : This annotation is used in JUnit 5 to repeat a test multiple times. The simplest way of using the annotation is to pass an integer value as an argument. Here is an example of how to use the annotation:
public void testRepeatedTest() {
    System.out.println("Hello World");
This will run the annotated method 5 times.

@ParameterizedTest:  This annotation is used in JUnit 5 to run the same test multiple times with different arguments. Here is an example of how to use the annotation:

@ValueSource(strings = { "madam", "java", "racecar" })
void palindromes(String value) {

This will run the test method three times with the arguments "madam", "java, and "racecar" respectively.

  • @TestFactory: This  annotation is used in JUnit 5 to create dynamic tests. A dynamic test is a test that is generated at runtime by a factory method using the @TestFactory annotation. The method marked @TestFactory is not a test case, rather it’s a factory for test cases. Here is an example of how to use the annotation:
Stream<DynamicTest> dynamicTestsFromStream() {
    return Stream.of("racecar", "radar", "able was I ere I saw elba")
      .map(text -> DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Palindrome test for " + text, () -> assertTrue(StringUtils.isPalindrome(text))));

This will create three dynamic tests with the arguments "racecar", "radar", and "able was I ere I saw elba" respectively.

  • @Disabled: This annotation is used to disable a test method or an entire test class during test execution. It is similar to @Ignore in JUnit 4.
public void disabledTestMethod() {
    // This test method will be disabled during test execution
  • @DisplayName: This annotation is used to provide a custom display name for a test method or a test class. It allows you to give more descriptive names to your tests.
@DisplayName("Test addition operation")
public void testAddition() {
    // Test logic and assertions go here
  • @Nested: This annotation is used to define nested test classes. Nested test classes can access the private fields and methods of the outer class, allowing better test organization.
public class OuterTestClass {

    class InnerTestClass {
        // Test methods and other annotations go here

  • @TestClassOrder:  It is used in JUnit 5 to configure a ClassOrderer for the @Nested test classes of the annotated test class. If @TestClassOrder is not explicitly declared on a test class, inherited from a parent class, declared on a test interface implemented by a test class, or inherited from an enclosing class, @Nested test classes will be executed in arbitrary order. As an alternative to @TestClassOrder, a global ClassOrderer can be configured for the entire test suite via the "junit.jupiter.testclass.order.default" configuration parameter¹. 

Here's an example of how to use @TestClassOrder:

class OrderedNestedTests {
    class PrimaryTests {
        // @Test methods ...

    class SecondaryTests {
        // @Test methods ...

This will guarantee that @Nested test classes are executed in the order specified via the @Order annotation.

  • @TestMethodOrder:  It is used in JUnit 5 to control the execution order of tests. We can use our own MethodOrderer, as we'll see later. Or we can select one of three built-in orderers:
    • Alphanumeric Order, 
    • @Order Annotation, 
    • Random Order. 

Here's an example of how to use @TestMethodOrder

class OrderedTests {
    void nullValues() {}

    void emptyValues() {}

    void validValues() {}

This will guarantee that test methods are executed in the order specified via the @Order annotation

These are some of the essential annotations provided by JUnit 5. JUnit 5 also introduces many other features and improvements, such as parameterized tests, dynamic tests, test interfaces, and more, making it a powerful and modern testing framework for Java developers.

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